Autumn update in creative-land. And just wanting to share my thoughts in regards to my creative outlets.
Back in early October, Steve and I took a trip up to Hudson, NY. We wanted to visit the Volunteer Firefighters Museum and to drop in on the Nursing Home that was on the same property. It was a very enjoyable experience to see all types of apparatus, and some were so old, they had to be enclosed!
After we took the tour, we walked up into the lobby of the nursing home. A brief wait till the weekend receptionist returned from lunch, and I presented 6 lap-ghans to her as a thank you for taking such good care of the friend of mine. As it turns out, she said to us that there were 70 residents that actually need things like this, that they attend parades, but get chilled easily, that the blankets 'fit the bill'. Steve said "Oh, she can make more blankets, and we'll bring them up here personally!" OMG. So, now I can't turn down such an opportunity to do something really great, and something I believe in. As of tonight, I have 6 blankets made up. I'm doing the 3-stranded V stitched throws, drastically modified. It works up really quick, but we may have an issue to space, so we may need to rent a Navigator to transport all these blankets up!
I'm also keen on keeping the top part of the elderly warm, so they may get granny vests, too. I got plenty of leftover stuff I can use.
So this is really exciting.
Oh! I also had been commissioned to make a queen-sized blanket for the same friend and his wife. That I finished in a month, all simple Grannies and lacy crosses. I call it Vintage Purple Garden. It's REALLY pretty. I do have a sample!
It just look so professional to me, and yet homemade. I'll take another picture of it when it's on their bed.
Meanwhile, it is time for me to get back to work on the blankets. So far in total, I made 12, only 58 more to go.